The video of Ghiabi’s talk at Tehran Creative Mornings with the theme of “Game” has been released.
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Following his article with the same title, Ghiabi talked about “How we need to understand the game we are in” using game theory. There are finite and infinite games. The idea he presented was that for many games —like life, love, and business, we play to win while the game is not designed to have a winner. When it comes to infinite games, the purpose is something bigger than winning: to advance and to only beat ourselves every day to be better.
From starting a new relationship to ambitiously going after success, we are all playing games. Unlike joyful games, we used to play when we were children, the games we play later in life as individuals, organizations, or even countries can be hard, exhausting, and frustrating. But, if —and only if, we clearly understand the games we are playing and what will be our strategy towards them, they can be as joyful, fruitful and educating as they were, when we were a lot younger. Here is a mental game theory model for you to understand the games we play and how to become a great player in them.
Throughout human history, games were about winning or losing. Author James P. Carse extends this concept beautifully in Finite and Infinite Games: “A finite game is played to win, an infinite game to continue the play.”