Consistency in Entrepreneurship: Insights from “Atomic Habits
In entrepreneurship, the power of consistency, as highlighted in ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear, reigns supreme. Clear’s wisdom underscores that small, consistent actions pave the path to significant business growth. This principle reshapes our approach, emphasizing that success emerges not solely from lofty goals but from the daily commitment to steadfast habits.
Foreign Investment in Iranian Startups Is One-Fifth of Turkey
According to Tejarat News, a statistics review shows that the amount of foreign investment in the Iranian startup ecosystem is one-fifth that of Turkey. This number is lower than the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and… This shows that foreign capital in Iran will be more profitable because a more new market is waiting for it. Reza […]
Do You Know What You Are Selling, Really?
If I were to ask you what you are selling, you’d reply immediately with the name of your products, services, or perhaps your ideas. Yet according to Forbes, three top reasons why 8 out of 10 business fail, are “not being in touch with customers,” “lack of differentiation” and “failure to communicate value proposition” which all falls […]
There Are No Shortcuts in life, Deal with it!
From success to marriage, we are in a constant search for shortcuts. We are in praise of those who made it fast. This craving can be an internation danger!
Embracing the Unknown: From the House to The HUS Institute
The optimum reaction to an unknown phenomenon is not always avoid it or even analyze it. It’s sometimes about embracing it.
Oppmakr Breakfast Event: The Art of Survival for Iranian Companies
Giving the latest changes in economic perspective in terms of sanctions and Iran’s currency devauation, we decided to talk about “The Art of Survival”.
How Adventurers and Entrepreneurs Dance: The Story of Tehran Travel Show
Adventurers and entrepreneurs experience the same journey! What would be the outcome of an entrepreneur and a Guinness record holder adventurer? Fun, hard work, and impact. I’m writing this article because we have just finished organizing the first but not the last Tehran Travel Show event series, and I can wait but to share the whole […]
Doing Business in IRAN? Here are 7 Things You Need to Know
Iran is indeed among the most attractive and high potential markets of the world. But doing business in Iran is not that easy. It takes a lot of effort for foreign businesses to understand the eco-cultural climate of the country in order to unfold its unlimited opportunities.
SWOT Analysis of Iran Startup Ecosystem
Inspired by Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, in my talk and the I presented how to build a Golden Brand for startups and other organizations. The following slides includes parts of the talk. I have added some orange boxes and notes to describe the illustrations. The basic idea is simple yet powerful: communicate with WHY.
Iran Startup Ecosystem is Changing the Dynamics of The Country’s Economy
In the past month, my colleague Yasaman Dadfar and I did our usual seasonal Iran startup ecosystem review at SWPars Ventures which led to this article. This article refers to the current startup situation of Iran, nearly 2 months before the 2017 presidential elections. According to the sixth development program and mutation in the policy […]